Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Turkey Day!!

Just a quick post to tell everyone to have a HAPPY THANKSGIVING! Hope you enjoy the day with what really matters - Family and Friends!


Anonymous said...

Happy Thankgsiving Blog Moderator: Thanks for your huge effort to help the MPS staff to get understanding from the Board Of Education members.

Anonymous said...

NotDrBM says:

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

I am thankful for the wonderful teachers and support staff in the Marshall Schools. Also our wonderful community.

Someone made reference to other MPS-related blogs. If there are any please post the web address here.

Anonymous said...

To follow up the previous post, I am also thankful for our wonderful building Principals who have had a rough year. They need our thanks and support too! Keep up the good work, we support you!

Anonymous said...

I am thankful all the wonderful employees at MPS. 99% of them are 'the best'. Thanks for all you do for our children and community.

Anonymous said...

I am thankful for my large pay increases, countless perks, the years of service being bought in Michigan for me so I can doubledip the MI and Indiana taxpayers in my retirement years, the loyal school board that does as I say, the bouquet of flowers- how thoughtful Vic, the lack of accountablity for me and my loyal BM and AJ, the people of Marshall for letting me go on this way. If there are any needs in the school district please start some fundraisers or write some grants. Go sell cookies and stuff!

Anonymous said...

Dr. JP should be very thankful for the school board, she would be long gone wihtout them. Also she should be thankful for the awesome job done by the MPS staff, despite her attacks on them and lack of support at the top. She is very good at taking credit for the efforts of others. Her own efforts do far more harm than good.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshall School Board!

I had been supportive and thankful for your willingness to serve our schools and community. I am very concerned about the current serious problems in the Marshall Public Schools that seem to be largely caused by Superintendent Joyce Phillips. I am also concerned that you, the school board, have not taken this seriously and apparently have not really done anything about this for months now. Your inexcusable strong support for Mrs. Phillips at the expense of our schools must stop! Please take action soon to reverse course so I can be thankful again for your efforts. I agree with those who say that Mrs. Phillips needs to be held accountable and responsible for her failures and overall bad leadership.

Anonymous said...

The board will not take this blog, or the staff or the parents seriously at all. They will only take public pressure seriously. There needs to be more letters to the newspapers and people speaking out at school board meetings. Bob Lyng got it off to a great start with his comments at the last board meeting, and those who have written letters to the newspapers. A well-organized recall movement would help too!

Anonymous said...

Well said seriously speaking.........the board will NOT take anything seriously except for when it comes from the community.

Anonymous said...

The longer the school board ignores the problems of the Marshall schools, especially those related to our Superintendent, the worse things will get.

Anonymous said...

Joyce is a continued embarrassment. Her attacks of Sue Boley, Rich Hulkow, Ron B. Susan Townsend....just because these people insist on managing their own building business. What is wrong with this picture. Lou had far too much work to be doing in the supt. office to harrass employees - makes you wonder if jp is doing her job at all....all the lies, spins, visions, .... people ... past supts didn't need to write articles to spin a nice story. But of course...major factor here....past supts had school board members that did their jobs and kept the supt in check and balance. Who should go first...Joyce I say - Change does start at the top! This isn't 'little Enron here'. (even though the lies and coverups would make it appear so)

Anonymous said...

Hey Blowing the Whistle: Don't forget about the 'lock box' that the good doctor "didn't know existed". That was a good one. Guess she was too busy shooing the students out of the MS foyer.

Anonymous said...

As a community member it appears that our Superintendent is out of touch and has failed miserably as an effective leader. In the business world this would not be tolerated! I would hope our school board does not tolerate this situation much longer.

Anonymous said...

Just another reason for a "no confidence" This simply put...means what it says. You vote that you have "no confidence in the current leader". If she does not appear to share the vision of the established district...wants us to follow her this not what part of the problem at WMU - Judy Bailey. If joyce is out of touch, deceiptful, uncaring, cold, harrasses employees...what more would it take. She needs to be forced to do what someone with any concern for our district would do....resign. It appears she will not resign. If the board cannot figure out how to demote her. Then possibly the previous posts are more in touch. Other schools have done the no confidence vote and the results are 90+% that the board takes the action needed.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like something that should be done soon. Who should lead it up? It would be nice if non-union staff could vote too.

Anonymous said...

From what I know a 'no confidence vote' is lead by the teachers union. When teacers, historically, find themselves teaching under the direction of someone they lack confidence in then this tool is used. The MTA would have to start this process. I would think when they determine that the board is really planning to do nothing regarding the survey results then they will move forward. Right now it appears they are only puppeting words. JP has spun a tale that our board members are evidently still trying to figure out. Just like the insurance mistake by Amy...and the coverup by Joyce, Amy and Brian.

Anonymous said...

I hope the union holds a "No confidence" vote soon. The board will likely try to "duck and cover" with the MSU communication study which has nothing to do with the actual problems. Before Christmas would be best!

Anonymous said...

Joyce may decide to turn on Amy who is in fact the responsible party as Director of Finance. I am very amazed that Amy Jones has been able to retain her job. Someone needs to tell me if this has ever happened in the companies they work in. Heck - lots of places if you don't work your given holiday you are fired. How did Amy retain her job after the $20,000 insurance mistake. (Not a mistake by MESSA - this has now been confirmed) And Joyce, the coverup looks quite similar to the air conditioner cover up. Have you ever heard of just saying you made an error....sorry!

Anonymous said...

Joyce won't turn on Amy, she knows as the old saying goes... "where the bodies are buried."

Anonymous said...

Can we spell 'CORRUPTION"?

Anonymous said...

Joyce prefers to call it her "unique style of leadership." ;-)

Anonymous said...

Well is seems more than one of the top three have some 'ghosts in the closet'. Ask some questions about Mrs. Jones!

Anonymous said...

That is why they keep harrassing and trying to fire some of the best teachers and administrators in the district. To keep attention focused away from the scandals and screw-ups at the top.