Monday, November 13, 2006

Is This Leadership?

Courtesy of Marshall Public Access

Why Would Joyce Phillips talk while Sam Ramon is trying to make a comment?

Why does Paul Beardslee have to take the Leadership Role and tell Joyce to wait while Sam finishes?

Is this how a Leader acts during a Public Meeting?
-Remember John Coulter saying to the Audience that it was rude to talk while Board Members are making comments - Does that rule apply to Joyce Phillips?


Anonymous said...

The respect that you see Dr. Phillips giving to Sam Ramon is the same respect that she gives to employees and parents that she speaks to. How can we teach our children respect when the leader of the school system does not believe or live it. Good thing that we have responsible and attentive teachers and support staff to help our children grow.

Anonymous said...

Here is but a brief glimpse into the leadership style of Dr. Phillips. I have heard countless stories that are much worse than this. Does Marshall deserve better?

Anonymous said...

That's nothing, she can be a lot ruder and meaner than that!

Anonymous said...

It is all about her and no one else. Did she get another bouquet of flowers from Vic at last night's board meeting?

Anonymous said...

Joyce is doing fine with her rude tactics...if this was not a democratic society....she thinks she is the queen or something. How about hyerarchy? That's more her style.

Anonymous said...

As a Marshall business owner this web site has enlightened me to many of the concerns and issues that I had been hearing about for some time. It is unfortunate that we need a forum like this to deal with this situation. I strongly urge the Marshall School Board to look into this and work hard to find a resolution to the problems. I am also a proud MHS alum.

Anonymous said...

I heard a rumor that Phillips has filed a lawsuit against the teachers and their union over the survey. Is this true? If it is, is this anyway to improve staff relations, trust and support? If it is true, it is another pathetic action by a failing leader.

Anonymous said...

She has checked into it, but how can anyone sue someone or a group over an anonymous survey that is the OPINION of individuals?? This is another example of why she isn't trusted or respected.

Anonymous said...

How about this. I heard that Mr. Vaught, Alternative Education, will only receive administrator pay if he brings in more students. Does Joyce want him to set up a recruiter table in the hallways of all our local high schools and sign students up for aternative ed. Gosh - he took a program of 17 students and it has grown in approx. 4 years to 74 students. (count day). There is a definite need for these children who do not feel comfortable in the regular day high school to have the wonderful program we have....but my question....why shouldn't he just get paid for what he does. He is the most awesome adult figure these students could ever have. He should get paid for the awesome job he does. His pay should be in line with the other administrators at MPS. I am quite sure he has to deal with the police and other incidents that most of our administrators do not have to deal with. He wasn't hired to recruit alternative needs students...but how fortunate for us we have him. He is a wonderful asset...polite, mannerful....and the kids at MAHS truly respect him. Maybe we could ask Joyce to show him the same respect his students show him.

Anonymous said...

To anonymous above, you are correct Mr. Vaught does a great job with the students that he works with. He asks for respect from them and in return will give them respect also. You are right in these kids need somewhere to get an education.What more does Mrs. Phillips want from him or any of the other employees at MPS they give 110 % and that is not good enough. As far as Joyce giving him the same respect the kids do, that isn't going to happen. She doesn't give respect to anybody but her chosen few. So sorry Mr. Vaught,that you don't get the respect you deserve, but you are a great administrator.

Anonymous said...

Joyce is offering Mr. Vaught peanuts compared to what is lavished on her, Brian and Amy. Maybe the school board should swap their jobs and let Mr. Vaught be the Superintendent and Joyce run the alternative ed school. We would likely lose our alternative ed kids but at least the rest of the district would be much better off.

Anonymous said...

If Joyce launches any legal action against any Marshall citizen, teachers/union or web site she should be fired immediately!

She has done enough damage in this town. Her real vision is not what she says in the newspaper, but the nightmare of how she mismanages the Marshall Public Schools.

Anonymous said...

It is a sad day when a superintendent requires an administrator to recruit more alternative students and they will be compensated for it. He should be getting paid for the tremendous job he, as well as, his 4 teachers and wonderful secretary are doing in touching these youngsters when others may not have been able to. These kids look up to the personnel at the alternative program. I know several that it DID MAKE THE DIFFERENCE.

Anonymous said...

If you would look at the survey...Mr. Bob Vaught received a 5. Joyce Phillips ?

Anonymous said...

I was at the meeting above in June. I was appalled at her behavior towards Sam that evening. Thank you Paul for trying to teach her some manners - I think we can all say Discourtesy!

Anonymous said...

This was no accident! Joyce and some of her loyalists on the school board engaged in very rude and unprofessional behavior toward Sam and Bob on purpose! A close friend who knows some of them well explained how they mistreated them on purpose and put them down often. One referred to them as "ding and ling." I was shocked! How could Joyce and her hardline board supporters get away with this bad behavior towards fellow board members?

Anonymous said...

Because she and her board believe that the MPS policies do not pertain to them. Isn't this double-standards?

Anonymous said...

I have seen Mrs. Phillips bad behavior in many other cable access videos of school board meetings. Whoever posted this video clip please go through more tapes. I am sure you will find many more gems of our Superintendent in action.

Anonymous said...

I believe Joyce will have her day of reconning...and I hope it is soon. She is single handedly (while enjoying it) targeting one employee after another...for the most ridiculous stuff. Soon - very soon - she will be exposed totally and then it will be justice for all.

Anonymous said...

How soon is soon??? It's hard to be patient.

Anonymous said...

The MPS Board's window of oppotunity is closing fast... they need to start taking public and serious action soon. The Marshall Schools have suffered enough!

Anonymous said...

I think the school board is counting on the staff being too afraid to do much and the community forgetting about the entire situation. If the community and staff fail to keep the pressure up, the school board will certainly take no action. Mrs. Phillips is counting on the board's backing her no matter what. She likely views them as lemmings who will follow and support her and only give a little lip service to the surveys or other issues.

Anonymous said...

Watching this video made me so angry! What a bee haaatch!

Anonymous said...

The citizen of Marshall should rally in the fact that outside of the good doctor, the 2nd good doctor and 'just amy'...they have a very professional, caring staff. Outside of them you will not hear employees complain about only 4-5 others. This is a very definite problem...the 3 at the top.

Anonymous said...

I am a very proud Marshall alumni and current proud citizen. The staff of the Marshall schools have been overall excellent over the year. I have far more faith in the overall opinions of the staff than an out-of-state Superintendent and at least a few out-of-touch school board members. The board needs to re-assert their control. They need to hold Phillips accountable for her failed leadership and take action to find a replacement soon.

Anonymous said...

Total agreement here. This is shared by many.

Anonymous said...

Why do other districts make their superintendents stand accountable for their failures? Why won't Marshall. Are we afraid people are not going to want to move into Marshall? Let's open our eyes here. We have Marshall kids going to "area schools" because your top leadership has been totally callous towards their needs. How many kids should we let JP run off before the board takes action? It will bring us more positive attraction to Marshall if we show we are willing to fix a problem before it totally ignites in the face of Marshall.

Anonymous said...

This whole scenario makes me suspicious as to what is really going on at the top!

Anonymous said...

Pray for us!

Anonymous said...

We are, and giving thanks too for all of the efforts of the MPS staff! We know you have suffered under Phillips, some much more than others.

Anonymous said...

Dear Marshall Public Schools Board:

PLEASE do something soon! As a parent I am upset with the way so many things have gotten out of hand. If you keep ignoring this problem and not doing anything about it things will keep getting worse. We need you take take the power back from Dr. Phillips. We need you to hold her responsible for all the mess our schools are in now. Also tell Phillips to leave our beloved Susan Townsend alone. Our Principals have had to deal with enough harrassment and incompetence from the top.

Anonymous said...

I talked to my daughter's English teacher who heads up the MHS school improvement and he told me about how messed up things are at the top. Hey board members, get out and talk to the teachers. They know what is going on. They are excellent and they can tell you what is truly needed for "excellence" in our schools.

Anonymous said...

Any one who would believe Jones, Phillips or Metcalf need to have their heads checked out. These 3 are borderline corrupt. They all should step down before their self absorbtion takes MPS to an all time low...oooops...I think we may be there now. Guess the Board should take action. OOOOOPS - guess we have begged them to do that! What will be next?

Anonymous said...

You are way off base with that post! That is an insult to their abilities! "Borderline" is not what is accurate for their efforts. They are much more talented than that... at corruption! Do you think $20,000 is chump change? Look at all of the other problems and leadership failures. That takes some real effort and talent! And that is only what we know about!

Anonymous said...

I stand corrected. Thank you for pointing out the $20,000 SETTLEMENT is almost what custodians wages are for 52 weeks of work ($24,477). You are isn't chump change...chump wages yes...

Anonymous said...

I was at the June meeting when Joyce was so rude to Sam. I did all I could not to rush in there and teach Joyce Politeness 101. To my knowledge I have never even seen my own children treat anyone with comparable disrespect. Joyce showed everyone watching the June board meeting exactly how she interacts with our Principals, staff and yes...even one student that I know of. She was too smug to even speak to the young hs lady in the office during one of her visits this summer. Goodness sakes was a student you were rude to. The student even asked after you left...WHO WAS THAT? Does anyone feel her treatment of our young people, say at board meetings, in the corridors, is inappropriate?

Anonymous said...

Always! It is hard to think of a time when her behavior was not inappropriate.

Anonymous said...

I am very confusted after reading this blog site for 1.5 hours. How can employees make simple human errors and face suspensions, firings, etc? But the top three forget to order class books...forget to cancel insurance as well as forget to let a whole group know about their increase in July and force them to pay for 1/2 of her error (Amy - bus driver insurance) display unethical behavior in the school buildings, lie, harrass, target union people to intimidate (can't remember all of what I have read)....and still have their jobs. There seems to be a very serious issue (or more than one...3 we will say) and these three at the top don't even seem to be in job jeaopardy. What system of check and balance is the Marshall School Board of Education operating under. I was amazed at the virtual blatant coverup on the double insurance mistake...settlement of $20,000. Where I am employeed you would not even think you are going to maintain your job after these types of poor performance. MPS is in dire need of improvement. Here at Pennfield - we are looking out for the best interest of our students. What the heck are you people doing over there in Marshall. You know this type of governing is just helping the outlying districts take your students. We love the 'school of choice option' but it seems a rotten shame to see this happening to what was a wonderful district to raise a family in. I hope and pray your board wakes up really soon for the sake of your future.

Anonymous said...

I have one question. Does anyone know if the taxpayers have been footing the bill for the good nondoctor's 'superintendent corner PR campaign' articles? Do we have to FOIA the Chronicle to see how these PS blitz's have been getting paid for?

Anonymous said...

I would be shocked to learn that she's paying for them herself, I fully expect that the school is paying for them.

Anonymous said...

Thank you Pennfield for recognizing where are problem is and not putting the blame on the staff of MPS.

Anonymous said...

The teachers and other staff I have talked to in the Battle Creek area school districts can't figure out why things are so messed up in Marshall. How can a bad Superintedent with near 100% opposition stay in power. They move forward while Marshall remains stagnant or worse. It is not the fault of the staff, parents or students. The problems are clear with the Superintendent and the school board. Can the people of Marshall recall the school board? Why doesn't anyone seem to get upset and do anything about this?

Anonymous said...

It seems to be time for this community to FORCE our board members to do what is right. Are we waiting to see how much her improper investigation in the Foreman case will cost this district. Kinda hard to move forward with those concrete anchors on our ankles! If the Prosecutor's Office said there is not enough evidence why was JP allowed to 'move forward' with her stinking investigation. Her vision is very blurred. Let's get her some glasses so she can see THE MARSHALL VISION instead of her self centered vision! The vision of one person doesn't mean diddly should be the vision of the entire community...which is seeming to be "Move Her Back to Indiana". (before she destroys our vision). GET IT RIGHT BOARD

Anonymous said...

The unjust Foreman vendetta by Joyce is costing the district thousands per month! The case had no merit from the start and after the charges were dropped it should have been dropped for sure. Joyce blocked all attempts to share evidence that proves Foreman's innocense and barred the board from considering anything that did not go through her first. This is a major scandal and the motives are purely political and designed to attack all teachers and staff.

Anonymous said...

A board member told me that they had no choice but to vote for Joyce's tenure recommendation. They were somewhat divided, maybe 4-3 in favor but were pressured for a 7-0 vote to support Joyce. The teachers told me that the union reps had no confidence at all in a fair chance with Joyce so did not even bother to fight it in closed sessions. There is zero trust that anything remotely fair or reasonable can happen with Joyce. Also the board was issued a directive that they could not consider anything unless it came form Joyce on this topic. Until Joyce is gone I will NOT vote for any millage, even if my taxes are not increased!