Friday, November 24, 2006

November Board Meeting

Well, the Marshall Board of Education held their November Board meeting. By now, it has been playing on Marshall Access. If you have seen the meeting - What did you like about it? or What didn't you like about it?


Anonymous said...

The most significant event at the November school board meeting was what didn't happen. The Marshall School Board may absolutely no attempt to show that they were serious about recognizing and dealing with the major problems of the Marshall schools, notably Supt. Phillips poor performance and scandals. After Bob Lyng confronted them about the staff surveys and asked what they plan to do about it, John and Chris said they were taking it seriously. Phillips and the rest of the school board did what they could to change the subject. They are using an MSU communication study as a diversion away from the real issues and problems.

Anonymous said...

On a related topic, in the new Marshall Chronicle that just came out the school board seems ot have decided NOT to pursue a big school improvement bond in the spring. Instead they are planning a much smaller sinking fund renewal or something like that to get a small start on the $51 million in district building needs. I think the paper said it would start maybe $4 million worth of projects if passed.

What!!! Why do so little now and postpone the rest into the distant future? How much farther can Marshall afford to fall behind Lakeview and Harper Creek? Most likely it is because of the Phillips controversies. To pass a much more logical and needed bond of say $20-30 million they would need to get a new Superintendent who had strong trust, respect and support in the community. Phillips is a huge liability and any actual bond would likely fail. I guess in this case Phillips "wins" and the district loses, again.

Anonymous said...

Is that true? I can see they would not ask for the entire $51 mil at this time, but only 4 mil.

Anonymous said...

Actually they are going for 4 mills, it will be about $8 million. I guess that is the best they think they can do this coming year. Not too good!

Anonymous said...

They must have low expectations due to Mrs. Phillips unpopularity.

Anonymous said...

Their actions are clearly a vote of "no confidence" in Dr. Phillips leadership. If they had confidence in her leadership they would let Dr. Phillips lead the fight for a much larger and much needed school bond.

Anonymous said...

Does the Board do any thinking for themselves?

I am a Marshall resident and have been hearing a lot about the woes of the Marshall Public Schools. I didn’t really know much about these issues at first, but I talked to a few folks that I know. These folks are not the “anti superintendent activists” or a bunch of crackpots….they are well educated, articulate people who supported the Superintendent upon her arrival. I now see why these former supporters are riled up about after witnessing something I found very disturbing at the last school board meeting. I did a little follow-up by talking to some of the parties involved and here is what I came up with:
Our alternative high school has become a successful and effective tool to help those students who have had a hard time in a regular high school setting. The program has grown by leaps and bounds due to the wonderful staff and the principal at the school. Smaller class sizes, individual attention and a sense of family are all contributing factors in the success of the program. Word of mouth has also led to growth. Many parents from other districts have heard about Marshall Alternative and placed their students into the program. At the board meeting, and in the news paper, I see that a stipend will be given to Bob Vaught,the administrator of the school, based on the number of students that are enrolled. That is the "blended" count. That seems fine at first glance, but if you look closer it is a ridiculous idea and I can’t believe the school board didn’t even raise an eyebrow!
Why on earth would you want to base an administrator’s financial compensation on numbers unless you are trying to sell used cars? This program has a high risk population. Some of the students are kids who were difficult to manage in a traditional high school. This is the last chance for some of these kids to get their diplomas. Smaller class size is essential, not only for the student’s safety, but the teachers as well. There are many students who graduate mid-year. Will the principal loose pay because the school is doing its job? If students are violent and need to be let go from the program, should the “bonus” be less for keeping the other students safe? Will the superintendent loose pay if district’s student count goes down? I think this asinine idea wouldn’t even exist if the superintendent had the same deal. If the Director of the school is not a teacher and he is performing administrative duties then he should be paid in accordance with other administrators in the district. They may not have the numbers, but I personally have witnessed the finesse and firm, but caring, discipline he shows in dealing with these at risk students more than makes up for the difference in numbers. This year it was the Alternative High School that made Marshall Public Schools have positive enrollment numbers. There are other difficult issues that occur everyday at the Alternative High that the other schools do not have to deal with. Brian Metcalf states in the paper that the school is down to 62. If they lose two more students, even if it is for the well being of the other students, it would mean the principal gets…nothing? Will he see a single dime of compensation? Does the board know that state money is based 80% on the first count and 20% at the second count? Why thenbase it on the blended count count? The answer is that the superintendent only wants to make it seem like she is giving the man a raise when she is relly giving him squat! When the school board approved the plan was the administrator in question asked for any input, or did he even agree to the plan? All I see here is smoke and mirrors. My eyes are now open. Shame on you, Marshall school board, for being short sighted, ill acquainted with the facts and, once again it appears, blind to the hair brained machinations of your Superintendent!

Anonymous said...

I work for MPS and I pesonally know both Mr. Mrs. Vaught. They are very educated, hardworking, caring, wonderful human beings. The good doctor knows it...she perhaps feels better about herself by kicking employees like these around.

Anonymous said...

For those not familiar with the term "good doctor" it is used by many MPS employees and parents for Supt. Phillips. Normally this is a reference to someone who is both "good" and a "medical doctor." IN this case it is a satirical reference to someone who is neither.

Anonymous said...

I saw the last board meeting on access this weekend and as usual it was the same old story. The most disturbing issue for me was the lady who can no longer substitute teach in our district due to a misdemeanor charge in the early 80s. From what I understand it is not a state law that prevents her continued employment but rather a local "policy" adopted recently during the Dr. Phillips attempt to become judge, jury and controller of everything. Please try to catch the replay on access and see for yourself whether you think this lady is being treated fairly. The two top admin both spouted a bunch of nothing and tried to make it seem like it was out of their control when in fact it is totally a part of Dr Phillips dictatorial control of every aspect of our school system. This woman has been treated very unfairly and our district continues to suffer.

Anonymous said...

If it were found out that Amy Jones or Brian Metcalf, or Dr. J herself, had a felony conviction, I am sure the school board would find some way to ignore it or justify it. By the way, haven't they had enough scandals by now?

Anonymous said...

It is very important to get a list of these types of unfair treatments. I think a online blog just for MPS employees to state similar (individual) situations. Perhaps then someone on the board would give some credence to what 300 employees are trying to WITHOUT GETTING HARRASSED AND FIRED! Oh that's right...can't base opinions on what you read or this is America at it's finest. While Joyce laughs all the way to "an Indiana bank".

Anonymous said...

Many have been listed on this blog. The truth is getting out and spreading fast! My friend sin Battle Creek are all following this situation, much to my embarrassment.

The parents, staff, students and hopefully the Marshall School Board are waking up! Dr. Phillips is clearly the worst Superintendent in the history of the Marshall Public Schools. Her leadership has been a complete failure. The Marshall School Board needs to remove her soon so the healing can start and the Marshall Public Schools can move forward to meet the challenges of competing with other area school districts in a unified manner.

Anonymous said...

To those who thought Lou was controversial I say - NOTHING LIKE THIS MOVEMENT EVER EVEN GOT TALKED ABOUT DURING LOU'S SUPERINTENDENTSHIP. It is not like JP is just alittle off base. She is very clearly the "Master of Deception" and has pulled the entire community of Marshall into a state of embarrassment. We must act now to salvage our own town. She has NO vested interest in our town. We do not want to have our school system be the reason people sell and move out of....we want it to be and buy and move into. HEY BOARD - DO YOU LIKE ALL THIS BEGGING OR SOMETHING BECAUSE I AM GETTING TIRED OF THE BEGGING. Exactly how much pressure would you like...and before or after the holidays?

Anonymous said...

In one of the sleaziest parts of her compensation package, I heard the Marshall school board agreed to buy her one year for every year she works. That means if she works five years in Michigan, it would actually count as ten years, which would vest her for a Michigan retirement. Since the school districts have to pay toward existing retirees, she would be robbing both the Marshall and overall Michigan taxpayers for her planned mere five years of terrible service to our schools. This is very expensive and a VERY BAD deal for Marshall. She needs to be removed before she gets her five years in! She does not deserve it, we would be paying her for decades to come! That money should go for the kids. The board is robbing our kids to pay Joyce way too much! The board deserves to be recalled just for this outrageous compensation package and raise. Many do not know that none of the excellent elementary or high school Principals got a raise this year. Phillips got 9% plus far too many other expensive perks. This is outrageous! The people of Marshall must put an end to this corruption! Yes, keeping a very bad Superintendent around and giving her an outrageous pay package is corruption!

Anonymous said...

You said it better than I can. I totally agree. If people are not at all happy with her performance why should she be compensated. I say demotion like Bellevue Schools had the 'know how' to do. I will guarantee you she should not be demoted to a position that deals with our kids directly. That would mean possibly doing the team uniforms during the evening hours. She is far too cold to be in any kind of contact with school aged children. BOARD WE ARE PLEADING WITH YOU TO BRING RESOLUTION AND HEALING TO OUR COMMUNITY SCHOOL!

Anonymous said...

If I were a board member of a school district and saw that the district had a site like this one - I would be absolutely ashamed to even admit that I was a board member, considering that I haven't done anything to protect and govern who it is that I was elected to protect and govern.

Anonymous said...

To fed up part 2:
I believe the personnel files are open to public because they are public employees.It just takes a F.O.I.A. request to get the information you are looking for, as far as requesting a site for just employees to list their punishments, I dont think any would sign their name or offense because that would make them a target by recognition. Understand that absolutely no one wants any more reason for j.p. to target them than she already has, They are on Marshall Pulic School payroll, according to this site, hat alone is enough!

Anonymous said...

I agree with a different posting. Time to have all employees meet and call for a No Confidence in the Superintendet Vote. This is a better tool than a survey. NO CONFIDENCE VOTE NOW! So Marshall can look forward - move forward - in the New Year!

Anonymous said...

The school board has basically done nothing except buy Joyce flowers since the teacher surveys were turned over. This is a huge insult tot eh MPS staff, parents and community. A "no confidence vote" followed by a possible recall may be in order now.

Anonymous said...

I hear both are being looked into seriously now.

Anonymous said...

I just found out about this web site. I have found it to be very interesting and informative so far. For a public web site I thought there was more of a controversy with two sides sharing views. It appears that there are few if any supporters of Dr. Phillips out there. If there are please speak up. If there is another side to this story I would like to hear it. If this web site is accurate about what is happening in the Marshall schools, then I will expect some changes are in store.

Anonymous said...

Question: If this current board is totally disregarding the opinions of 152 employees through a survey. What makes anyone think this board will do anything about a "No Confidence Vote" This board has become the laughing stock of Calhoun County education personnel. The MTA has a wonderful reputation in this area and no one believes in a school board that will totally disregard the opinions of such a credible group. Seems like a recall may be the only thing they will HAVE to listen to.

Anonymous said...

Supt. Phillips deserves a very harsh evaluation. She deserves to be fired for all the harm and damage she has caused to our otherwise excellent Marshall schools. If the Marshall School Board can remove her, then they will be heroes in our community and we can all go back to a normal working relationship (parents, staff, Principals and the School board).

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