Wednesday, November 22, 2006


So there have been several posts about a recall being started. Is it true? Anyone have any information on it? Hopefully the people posting about the recall are truly going through with it. If they are posting those comments and it really isn't happening, ALL of the credibility flies out of the window. So post info if you have it. Who is being recalled? What is the language? FILL US IN!


Anonymous said...

I have not heard anything solid about any recall. I know many people who would be interested in recalling some school board members but not all, if they do not do something significant and positive soon.

Anonymous said...

I hope one is going after the holidays.

Anonymous said...

What has to happen in order for a recall to begin...for those of us who don't know the process?

Anonymous said...

What is the process???

Anonymous said...

I hope someone is getting one off the ground. Looking at the poll results so far, I think we have 3-4 good candidates for a recall.

Anonymous said...

So do I! Does anyone know anything about the process, and how we would find out who is starting one, and where to get involved??? Who is a contact person?

Anonymous said...

A little bird told me right after the holidays. Let this community enjoy the season. Just what I heard - don't know how true it is. Never been involved in a recall but I know I will be now.

Anonymous said...

There seems to be a growing concensus that in January there will be a recall unless the Marshall School Board pulls a 180 on Joyce. I like the board members personally but we will have to knock out at least four if anything is going to be accomplished. We also need good leaders to replace the 4 or more who would be recalled. I think by January a recall will be quite popular in this community and very justified.

Anonymous said...

For quite sometime...I kept these board members are community members. Now I say...yes. IF YOU ARE NOT DOING THE JOB YOU WERE ELECTED TO DO....YOU HAVE GOT TO BE RECALLED. Sam and Bob got tired of the votes always being predictable....5 side with whatever Joyce wants. She spins a tale fluffs their egos...gets the yes vote. Unfortunately, after reading several months of board minutes it has become very clear what is going on with the present board. I had hopes Chris would speak up. I knew Janice and Vic would not. I am pretty sure John is there for the people...and hopefully Eli. Dan....keep up the could be the town hero. Thanks for what you are doing....or trying to do.

Anonymous said...

Recall petitions should be circulated to recall the following board members:
Vic Potter
Janice Darling
Paul Beardslee
Dan Stulberg

Anonymous said...

Let me alert you....Ali Webb also appears to be "in bed" with Joyce.She is the one trying to improve Public Relations for JOyce. Even though it's to little too late, she neds to be watched. Actions speak louder than words, so unless she really comes out as supporting the community in this I wouldn't trust her at all. Be warned!

Anonymous said...

Time to look into the tool of "No Confidence Vote in the Superintendent". I would rather the 'ousting of joyce' than the recall of our community members. Far less healing... It is worth an investigation.

Anonymous said...

A powerful family in Marshall recruited Ali to run for the school board. That same family has been closely connected to Joyce. If they decide it is time for Joyce to go, I am sure that Ali will turn on her too. Until that happens, Ali will likely keep supporting Joyce.

Anonymous said...

Power families are not the elected citizens that are supposed to govern over the school superintendent. Money is not supposed to know the truth. The seeker of truth will know it. Ali is one elected citizen. She has an oath to fulfil. If she does not do the job elected to do she will have to be recalled. She is still very new. Let's hope she proves to be a smart board member who chooses to seek the truth from the proper resources.

Anonymous said...

Amen to that, however it is difficult for the board members to get any straight info due to the fact that staff and admin are questioned and "put in the hot seat" if seen talking to board members.

Anonymous said...

I have heard that MPS staff are discouraged or even threatened to not to talk to school board members. Is this true?

Anonymous said...

Sad to say, yes! Joyce issued a directive to the staff not to talk to school board members. If an MPS staff members talks to a school board members and has any views different from Joyce's they are being "insubordinate." It does not matter if most are Marshall community members and taxpapyers. Your career is on the line if you dare talk to a school board member. Joyce wants full control over what the school board hears, knows, and says. That is why she was so rude and hostile towards Sam and Bob. They dared to walk the halls, visit classrooms and talk to the staff. They also asked her tough questions publicly at school board meetings. Look at the video posted on this web site to see how Joyce treated them for it. That is typical of her behavior, to a regular staffer it could cost them their job.

Anonymous said...

I have some hope in reading that people may understand the crucial move a staff member would be making in talking to a board member. It is absolutely incredible how this superintendent seems to have nothing else to do but harrass the employees who are looking out for the interest of our students, school and community. They are not being bought with years of service. They are actually working and receiving their years of service. This is in fact how one in the michigan retirement system does get service credit years towards retirement. Boards do not buy them for the employees. This is disgusting how she can come into michigan and rob our retirement system by courting our board members. Shame on you - all the board members that voted yes to the purchase of any years of service for joyce. This is something you may consider if she had proven to be an excellent superintendent....which there is no possibility of happening. Call the ORS (office of retirement services) and see what a drastic rise there has been in employees at MPS requesting information regarding purchase of years of service so they can get out of this mess JOYCE and the BOARD have created for Marshall.

Anonymous said...

The board is happy to pass pretty much anything that Joyce holds under their nose. Policy is changed when it suits her purposes, changed back after she's done and the board says "Duh, OK."
I thought that a couple of the board members were more intelligent than that (I also know a couple weren't)...I can't understand what they are thinking and how they can sleep at night. I, personally, have boycotted Darling and Daughter's and Buds Towing.

Anonymous said...

Will anyone in Marshall have the courage to lead a recall efforts against two or more school board members? Are their good leaders willing to run for the school board? My guess is "no." That is why Joyce and her supporters will likely prevail in 2007.